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Everything you ever wanted to know about reviews*. 
*but were afraid to ask.
Do we like reviews?

We do! Discreet but complimentary reviews make us feel great . . . and even if your experience was less than perfect, it helps us know how we can make things better for your next visit.

What do you mean by discreet?

Discretion is all about safety. Our location, password, your code, or our private phone number should never be shared; doing so could even cause the loss of your membership! When talking about your visit, remember that your experience isn’t from a blueprint; Shannon's favorite way to tease or April's certain little move might be just for you. Leave something to the imagination!

Keeping the Salon safe means you can visit your secret life anytime . . . and please remember that our secret lives are secrets, too! Explicit or identifiable details about a Candlelight girl’s identity (tattoos or birthmarks, that necklace someone always wears, any stories we share about our “outside” lives, and so on) should never be a part of a review. We love being Candlelight girls, and wouldn’t want anything to jeopardize that.

I’d write a review about _____, but she’s my favorite, & I don’t want her to get too popular to see me!

If you’d still like to write a review, but are reticent about reviewing a certain someone, feel free to write a review of the Salon as a whole! And don’t worry too much. . . booking in advance makes visits with your favorite Candlelight girl almost guaranteed!



If you’re still concerned about a review, feel free to
send it to us before you post it anywhere; we’ll let
you know if there’s anything too compromising,
or if it’s just right! No red pencils, we promise.
Any other questions? Drop us an email or give us
a call, and we'll help you out.
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